RAR Therapy

After ten years in business, it was time to take RAR Therapy to the next level. We already had a strong relationship with RAR Therapy, but tackling their website was a huge undertaking. With 18 locations across Australia and five services, the aim was to create unique content for the entire website, making sure every page was optimised. With such a large service offering, we had to make sure the entire user experience was seamless and easy to use. Even though RAR Therapy is a large company, the website needed to maintain a local feel.

⬤ 01. Details

RAR therapy had been in operation for 10 years and built up to 18 locations across Australia through word-of-mouth and a strong referral network.

However, their online presence was letting their brand down. We decided to create a website for them that focused on the user experience while leveraging the current best practices for SEO to create a strong online foundation.


Design a site that focused on each location as a sub brand on the main website, so that someone searching for a specific location and service would land on a dedicated optimised page to help increase conversion.

⬤ 02. Challenges

Across five services and 18 locations, we crafted over 90 pages of uniquely optimised content, ensuring best practices for users with disabilities.

The previous five-page website was outdated and didn’t reflect their brand accurately. With over 40,000 words of content, we treated each location as a sub-brand, creating a distinct online presence for each. 

Our challenge was to ensure a seamless experience, directing users with specific service requests in particular locations to the right page on the website.

⬤ 03. Experience

To showcase that RAR is a big business with a local feel.

We designed a user-friendly website that significantly increased daily inquiries through optimised content and streamlined forms. The improved experience ensures prompt notification of enquiries related to specific services or locations, aligning with the company’s excellent customer service. 

We also highlighted the company’s culture and personality for potential employees, for easier application. The old website ranked for a few keywords, but now ranks for over 200, with continuous growth.

rar mobile scaled
rar tablet scaled
rar desktop scaled
⬤ 04. Mobile Experience

Putting our focus on
changing the way people
think of mobile experience.

Mobile 2 RAR
Mobile 3 RAR
Mobile 1 RAR


Double digit growth

“From branding, product design and layout, website and mobile development, Signature led and executed on great ideas with remarkable talent, and within an easy and collaborative ecosystem. I’d work with them again and again.”

Colin Lucido

Holistic Massage Therapy

Let’s collaborate

Send us an email,
to discuss a new project.

Combining expertise in web development, design innovation, and content strategy with SEO knowledge, we collaborate passionately to enhance the online presence of businesses, creating seamless UI/UX and compelling digital experiences.
